Based on AMD Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC
KRM-4ZUxxDR Module Series

16nm FinFET+ Programmable Logic

Digital RF-ADC, RF-DAC

Quad Arm Cortex-A53

Dual Arm Cortex-R5F

NOW also available as 25DR based lower cost version

AND even SDFEC-enabled 48DR

Angled view of the KRM-4ZUxxDR module featuring the AMD RFSoC Ultrascale+ series
Slide thumbnail
Based on AMD RFSoC DFE
KRM-2ZU67DR Module

8 x ADC @ 2.95 GSPS

2 x ADC @ 5.9 GSPS

8 x DAC @ 10.0 GSPS

75x65 mm small


KRM-3eZUxx module by KRM
Based on AMD Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
KRM-3eZUxxCG Module

16nm FinFET+ Programmable Logic

New on-SoM M.2 adapter

Advanced system housekeeping bus

Dual Arm Cortex-A53

Dual Arm Cortex-R5F


Based on AMD Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC
KRM-6ZU49DR Module

Dual 72bit ECC RAM on PL

16 channel RF-ADC, RF-DAC

Quad Arm Cortex-A53

Dual Arm Cortex-R5F


Front of KRM's KRIB-A5EXXB32A module
Based on Intel AgileX 5 E-Series
KRIB-A5ExxB32A Module

656k LEs

24x 17 or 28.1 Gbps transceivers

Advanced system housekeeping bus

DUAL Core ARM CortexTM A76

DUAL Core ARM CortexTM A55


Front of KRM-10-S10RF module
Based on Intel Stratix Direct-RF

24 H & 24 E tile transceivers

2 X 8GB 72 bit DDR4 ECC RAM

120 x 90 mm

8x RF ADC @ 64GS

8x RF DAC @ 64GS


The Broadest FPGA




Angled view of the KRM-4ZUxxDR module featuring the AMD RFSoC Ultrascale+ seriesFront of KRM-10-S10RF module

RFSoM Portfolio


Knowledge Resources GmbH is a sophisticated FPGA SoM vendor with a broad product offering for HPC, RF, and industrial applications.

Based in Basel, Switzerland, our international team of engineers supports a global client base in integrating our SoMs in a wide range of devices. Our SoMs are successfully deployed in demanding environments ranging from subterranean sensors to spacecraft operating in LEO and on all continents of our planet. Our offering of RF-enabled FPGA SoMs is exceptionally comprehensive with four different families covering any conceivable application.


KR attends AMD Adaptive Computing Summit

On Tuesday, October 8, meet KR at the London stop of AMD's Adaptive Computing Summit European tour. We'll be showcasing our Xilinx products, including the KRM-9VP1202, equipped with the Versal Premium, and the KRM-9VH1X82, featuring [...]

Meet KR @ EUMW 2024

Meet Knowledge Resources at European Microwave Week 2024. We will be in Paris 24-26 September, exhibiting our range of RFSoCs at booth 419C. Check out the floorplan so you know how to find us. We [...]

Meet KR @ FPGA Conference Europe

Knowledge Resources will exhibit at the 2024 FPGA Conference Europe in Munich July 2-4, where we will showcase our range of RFSoCs. Interested in meeting us there? Use the code FPGA24_MEETUS for a 20% discount [...]

Announcing New SoMs

With embedded world 2024 one week away, we're thrilled to share our new products. We're introducing two new Intel/Altera-based SoMs to our product line. First, the KRIB-A5ExxB32A (aka the KR Innovation Board) is a compact [...]

Meet KR @ EW24

Meet us at Embedded World 2024! From April 9-11, visit us at Hall 5, Stand 5-219 and see what we've been working on.

Meet KR @ EW23

We are very happy to announce that we will be exhibiting at Embedded World 2023, March 14th to 16th. Come visit us in hall 2, Booth 416 and find out what we have been up [...]

EW2022, we will be there

We are very happy to announce that we will be exhibiting at Embedded World 2022, June 21st to 23rd. Come visit us in hall 3A, Booth 335 and find out what wondrous things we have [...]

DSP & Signal Processing Job opening

Due to our continuing success with the KRM-4 RFSoC product line and increasing project load, we are actively looking for an FPGA developer with experience in signal processing for telecommunications and radar applications. Read more [...]


How to Choose an RF SoM for Best Performance

RFSoMs (Radio Frequency converter enabled Systems on Module) are convenient, take care of all the RFSoC's complex power requirements and memory interfaces, are typically compact, and save months, if not quarters in development time. But [...]

KR turns 20: Revisiting a Favorite Project

KR turns 20 this year -- a good time to pause and reflect on some of the milestones along the way. One of our favorites remains the robots project for the Museum of Mathematics in [...]

The “Perfect” FPGA Module (Part 4)

The KRM-3xx series of modules has been around for just over six years now, and its members are in use all over the globe in a wide range of systems and applications. In 2020 we [...]

FPGA Based Blockchain Design

April 2018 Knowledge Resources GmbH is proud to announce its first Xilinx FPGA-based blockchain design. The most distinguishing aspects of our approach are that it simultaneously utilizes the power of six FPGAs, and that it [...]

The “Perfect” FPGA Module (Part 3)

You may have read our previous Blog about how “perfect” our modules are, here you can read how we keep improving a “perfect” thing So how do you improve a “perfect” module ? You look [...]

The “Perfect” FPGA Module (Part 2)

SO, since our first attempt of creating the “perfect” FPGA module was quite successful, we decided to try and do even better.  Not that the KRM1k modules don’t have their place, but time (and therefore [...]

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